ETHOS: To provide free guidance to SME businesses as a virtual advisor.
ETHOS: To provide free guidance to SME businesses as a virtual advisor.
ETHOS: To provide free guidance to SME businesses as a virtual advisor.
ETHOS: To provide free guidance to SME businesses as a virtual advisor.
"I founded WOSO-SME as a free service for SME businesses upon retiring as a management consultant."
Steven Crocker FInstIB
Virtual guidance on any business subject or requirement. (limited on-site consultancy may be available)
Your business resource for guidance and information - just ask.
Free guidance on funding & finance. And, if requested, a 'managed introduction' to an associate for specific advice. Free review available
Free guidance on comparisons and reviews. And, if requested, a I will provide a comparison for you with our 'managed associate'.
Free guidance on a range specialist business needs. And, if requested a 'managed introduction' to an associate that is a specific specialist.
Free guidance on all technology. And, if requested, a 'managed introduction' to a specialist for your requirement.
As a consultant I had a broad knowledge of skills, but I could know everything, so when a fee-paying client asked me to source a service, product, or specialist, I evaluated suppliers. I kept in-touch with many that I felt were the best. These are now my associates.
If you ask for a 'managed introduction' to an associate, it will be with a business that I trust and know will provide the advice and service I want for all my clients. Furthermore, as a managed recommendation, I will always be available to you as your free consultant, regardless of your new relationship with an associate. I will sit in the background and ensure all is well.
IIB Fellow
I am also a fellow of the IIB (chosen by my peers) an organisation of over 5000 global management advisors, many whom have been MDs or CEOs of corporations. I can contact these individuals to enhance any information that a client may require.
WOSO-SME. WOrkspace SOlutions for SME businesses
You are not committed or obligated to act upon any guidance or recommendations that I may suggest or provide. Likewise, you are under no obligation to follow advice or suggestions from any business or associate that I may introduce or recommend.
WOSO-SME A free service for SME businesses